Exit Through the Book Shop
Brojeći tijela kao ovce u ritmu ratnih bubnjeva
O Hrvatskim studijima i političkoj instrumentalizaciji
Trakavica statusa Hrvatskih studija se nastavlja. Traje već godinama. Svodi se na to da je taj studentski centar, s nizom paralelnih studija (studija koji se odvijaju i na drugim sastavnicima matičnoga mu sveučilišta), ulovljena u igru mačke i miša raznih rektora i dekana koji provode netransparentne politike na sveučilištu na uštrb studenata . . .
Sistemska akademska neetičnost
Nova hrvatska vlada je formirana. Potpredsjednik novog saziva sabora je, među ostalim, Milijan Brkić, čovjek koji dokazano plagirao više od pola svog diplomskog rada. Da se razumijemo, iako je prepisao više od 70% rada, sutkinja nekakvom mentalnom gimnastikom zaključuje da to nije plagijat. Pravo nije pravda, poučavaju na pravnim fakultetima . . .
Minimally competent scholars and self-identity
I was talking to F. yesterday on why do we do what we do. The typical PhD angst, I guess - but it needs its space and time, to exercise itself, take form and become something manageable, and not something that suffocates. F. is a clear thinker. I mean, in a convoluted way I sometimes don't understand, but that's me I think. So I think . . .
Did you ever smell the Moon?
Or how lectures sometimes take you to strange places
Last week I was attending a course on cultural history in Amsterdam. It was early in the morning, raining, and I barely made my train in Utrecht. I was in a foul mood. The simmering kind of foul mood, not the one that lashes at things, but the drowsy discontent that usually results in disinterest. I finally made it to the lecture hall and sat . . .
When I heard the learn'd psychologist
A psychotherapist's philosophy of science
There is this book by Abraham Maslow that has been sitting on my reading list for two years now. I remember I started reading it when I was writing my PhD proposal. I lightly skimmed it, the fervent kind of reading of a not-so-well-read mind thinking grand thoughts (two years later, the mind is mostly the same, the thoughts not so much). I . . .
Kad hrvatska javnost raspravlja o znanosti
Indeksovske doksografije Šustarove filozofije
Već neko vrijeme pokušavam artikulirati frustracije zbog stanja javne rasprave u Hrvatskoj. Predsjednica nam draga već valjda od inauguracije govori kako smo stravično polarizirani kao društvo. Više ne iskače Kosorica iz paštete, nego krezubi ustaše i udbaši koji nam hoće popiti krv. Kosorica, barem svojim tvitovima, postala je glas razuma. . . .
Railroading history into Big Data
Last year I attended a lecture by Bruno Latour, here in Utrecht. At the time, J. started reading The History Manifesto, so I joined that too. Those two meshed into the usual incoherent mess of thoughts craving for structure. I was also invited to write a commentary for a pretty cool academic journal on the Manifesto, and much of the thoughts . . .
Cover image credit: http://art.djnavarro.net/