Sign of Life
It is indicative that the online space I intended for myself was empty of new content for the past few years. I don't think anybody who went through the pandemic would be surprised by that, but as most personal stories, it's a bit more complicated than just a global pandemic that shut down the world. Since I last posted, I finished my . . .
Poverty of thought
Or about academic patriotism
The other day I was watching an hour long interview [interview in Croatian] with a young Croatian philosopher. She commented on all kinds of things, but her comments about the functioning of science and the academic system in Croatia struck me the most. When her interviewer asked her why the Croatian academic system can't keep its younger . . .
Predavanja u Hrvatskoj u ožujku i travnju
U ožujku i travnju ove godine sam uz pomoć par kolega i prijatelja organizirao nekoliko predavanja koja ću držati na hrvatskim sveučilištima. Ima već skoro četiri godine kako sam otišao na doktorat u Utrecht, a o mnogo stvari kojima se bavim od tada nema baš puno govora na hrvatskim fakultetima, pa sam zaključio da bi možda bilo zanimljivo . . .
How open are historians of psychology?
Journals, social networking, and public engagement
I work in the field of history of science. In that, I focus on psychology. As an early career researcher I'm a hybrid between a psychologist and a historian of science. This blog post will deal with some questions of open science in the community of historians of science - mostly the tiny part of history of science dealing with . . .
Peripheries of the Scientific Babel
The last few months I've been obsessively following the evolution of a case of scientific plagiarism. It feels like the whole affair is a confluence of topics almost cosmically bound to occupy my thoughts for weeks and months on end.
It is at the same time a question of academic integrity (how does plagiarism hurt scientific . . .
Zašto plagiranje nije moguće u internacionalnoj teorijskoj fizici, ali je moguće u hrvatskoj filozofiji?
Neki dan sam gledao jednu epizodu Petog dana od prije dva mjeseca u kojoj su gosti emisije raspravljali o plagijatu ministra Barišića. Peti dan je emisija na HRT-u u kojoj stalna postava hrvatskih intelektualaca raspravlja o aktualnim temama. Moram priznati da je za devastirani sadržaj Hrvatske radiotelevizije, po mom mišljenju, Peti dan . . .
Kolaž o sveučilištu kao mjestu institucionalnog nasilja
Magister Ludi i normalan
Godinama, od kada studiram, opsjedam se time kako sveučilište funkcionira. To je uglavnom nešto marginalno - par tekstića u nekim čudnim časopisima ili ovako za dušu na blogu. Nekad se aktivira u nešto stvarno smisleno, poput blokada fakulteta, ali to kratko traje. Uglavnom je jako žučno i košta vremena, vremena potrošenog na razmišljanje i . . .
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